Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Guest Post at Homeschoolers Anonymous

I have the honor of having a guest post republished at Homeschoolers Anonymous. HA is a great new blog where people raised in fundamentalist homeschooling families (like me) can tell their stories.

 The site has only been around for a little over a month, and already it has debuted to great fanfare, there was even a article written about it on the liberal site The Daily Best recently.

I'm happy to have the honor of being published there, my guest post is a republication of a post I wrote several months ago for the blog Reason Being, it was originally posted in December. Check out my post, Looking Back at My Fundamentalist Homeschooling Past, and also read the other personal stories at Homeschoolers Anonymous. I will also be writing an original guest post for them sometime in the near future, it will be announced when published.


  1. Great guest post! I'm so glad that so many people are discovering H.A. so quickly... when we all stand together, it's much harder for readers to disregard our stories.

    1. Good to see you around, Latebloomer.

      We all need to speak up, and tell our stories.


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