Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I'm Proud to Announce Some Recent Success In Promoting the Blog!

I've always been looking for new ways to promote the blog, and generate more readers, and I'm proud to announce that I have had a few successes in that regard lately.

First, the blog is back to running almost 500 viewers a week now, after taking a dip recently to about the 300 range. Partly this is because of some recent success in promotion on Reddit, but also views will now be coming from another source as well. I recently opened the blog e-mail, and got a nice surprise. The administrators of a local website that I have been a part of in the discussion board for 2 years now, have decided to feature my blog on their homepage! Check it the homepage at Granite City Gossip. Thanks Lori and Katy, owners of  Granite City Gossip for the honor. :)

Here's a screen shot:

Also, I am in the process of writing a guest post for one of my favorite bloggers (and a big supporter of my blog), Godless Poutine of My Secret Atheist Blog. I'll let you know with a big announcement once that is written, and when he posts it.


  1. I added your blog to my blogroll. Keep up the good work.

  2. Thanks! I noticed I hadn't seen my blog on your blogroll, thanks for the addition. :)


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