Asking for money is something I don't feel comfortable with at all. I have never put a PayPal donate button on my blog, or made an appeal for money myself. Hell, I don't even feel comfortable asking for money for various causes.
I have only done that twice since starting the blog that I can remember, once to ask people to help popular ex fundamentalist writer and divorced mother Vyckie Garrison keep her house (that was quite successful, raising over $19,665, I was proud to be a part of such an effort), and once to ask people to donate to a St. Louis animal shelter that had fallen on hard times.
I have had to overcome my reluctance and guilt over appealing for donations recently, because quite simply, I'm broke. I have over $2,500 in bills that I can't pay, and over $900 of that needs to be paid in the next several days or is past due, and I have had to start an appeal for donations on GoFundMe
How did I get in this mess? Well, several circumstances have come up, first I have a vehicle payment for the first time, on top of my regular house payment, after the vehicle related disasters in late October. I have also found out recently that I have Fibromyalgia on top of the depression and sleep apnea that I already knew I have.
Medication plus working out to lose weight and build strength have helped, but I'm still not sure I could handle working my current full time job plus what would probably be a physically demanding part time job with the energy levels that I have. Add to this fact that I still have outstanding bills still from a sleep study I had back in April, which is how I found out I have sleep apnea and got on a CPAP machine. One of the two companies that billed me for that from that has turned me over to a collection agency.
As it stands right now, I have $914.73 in urgent bills including my house payment, vehicle payment, property taxes and utilities. All are due within a week, and some are past due. As for the medical bills, I currently owe $1,584.52, some of which has been turned over to a collection agency from Texas, thankfully they don't have my phone number, they have just been sending me notices by mail, but it will ruin my credit. Hopefully I can negotiate with them to bring it down, but I need some funds in order to come up with a payment plan or a reduced settlement on it.
I have only done that twice since starting the blog that I can remember, once to ask people to help popular ex fundamentalist writer and divorced mother Vyckie Garrison keep her house (that was quite successful, raising over $19,665, I was proud to be a part of such an effort), and once to ask people to donate to a St. Louis animal shelter that had fallen on hard times.
I have had to overcome my reluctance and guilt over appealing for donations recently, because quite simply, I'm broke. I have over $2,500 in bills that I can't pay, and over $900 of that needs to be paid in the next several days or is past due, and I have had to start an appeal for donations on GoFundMe
How did I get in this mess? Well, several circumstances have come up, first I have a vehicle payment for the first time, on top of my regular house payment, after the vehicle related disasters in late October. I have also found out recently that I have Fibromyalgia on top of the depression and sleep apnea that I already knew I have.

As it stands right now, I have $914.73 in urgent bills including my house payment, vehicle payment, property taxes and utilities. All are due within a week, and some are past due. As for the medical bills, I currently owe $1,584.52, some of which has been turned over to a collection agency from Texas, thankfully they don't have my phone number, they have just been sending me notices by mail, but it will ruin my credit. Hopefully I can negotiate with them to bring it down, but I need some funds in order to come up with a payment plan or a reduced settlement on it.